Thursday, 20 November 2014

Enhancing Early Childhood Care and Education in India with Teachers training programs

The education system of India is constantly changing with each passing day with the introduction of new rules and enhancements happening every year. Moreover, the level of competition has also become tremendously high in the past few decades. Hence, it has become almost indispensable to introduce children into the Early Childhood Care and Education system from a very early age so that they are able to cope well with the pressure and rigors of the education system of the country. This also calls for the availability of the best professional teachers in the education system in order to ensure that the children receive the very best education from a very early age.

In the past, training programs for teachers were not given their due importance because the education system of the country was not very firm, and the level of competition was also very low. However, in the past few decades, it has become almost mandatory for every teacher associated with the early childhood education system to avail these training programs so that they can keep themselves updated with every vital information, knowledge and method that could help them with their task of teaching small children. The teacher training course does not train teachers about various methods of instruction, but also provides critical information and updates that could be utilized to benefit the small children in the education system.
The benefits of these training programs have also caused many teachers to sit up and take note of these courses, and enroll for the training offered through these courses. Initially, the benefits of these training programs were only availed by a handful of teachers, who were basically trying to improve their own teaching methods. However, these methods and practices soon became the very standard of teaching in the Early Childhood Care and Education, and soon it was made mandatory for every teacher to avail these training programs. In fact, most preschools and Montessori institutions today only prefer to hire professional teachers with proper certification for such courses.

The benefits of these training programs have certainly helped teachers get better at their jobs, and have enhanced the education system of the country by leaps and bounds. The education system of the country is certainly a few steps behind those of other countries in the world, but the preschool teacher training course has certainly brought the early childhood education system of the country at par with the best in the world.